Air Canada celebrates 75 years of innovation

UntitledMontreal, September 1st 2012 – Exactly 75 years ago, Air Canada’s very first passenger flight took off. Travel, technology, fashion, lifestyles, and practically everything that shapes our daily life today has evolved since, partly through the new possibilities introduced by air travel. To celebrate its anniversary, Air Canada is launching today a series of digital initiatives telling both its history and the remarkable innovations in the world of aviation since 1937.

Highlights of the digital content created for Air Canada’s 75th anniversary include:

A Facebook contest starting today, with daily prizes and a Grand Prize of 750,000 Aeroplan miles: enough for two business-class tickets to go around the world, with miles to spare!

The brand new with its multimedia and interactive timeline highlighting Air Canada’s rich history, including fashion milestones such as:

  • In 1973, “A Uniform For Every Taste”:
  • In 1978, “ Red, White, Blue And New”:
  • In 1996, “Showing Our Canadian Colours”:
  • On YouTube, “75 Years of Air Canada Fashion”: a video by Karim Zariffa:
  • A 75th anniversary Collector’s edition of Air Canada’s award winning enRoute magazine with a special report by Jeanne Beker on how inflight fashion – and the role of the flight attendant – has changed over the past seven decades:

Other links you’ll love

  • On Facebook:
  • On Twitter: @AirCanada

Created by publishing and media company Spafax the initiatives offer a fascinating insight into the development of Air Canada.

About Air Canada
Air Canada is Canada’s largest domestic and international airline serving more than 175 destinations on five continents. Canada’s flag carrier is the 15th largest commercial airline in the world and in 2011 served more than 33 million customers.

About Spafax
Spafax is one of the word’s leading providers of branded content solutions in the form of entertainment production and management, publishing and media sales. Clients include Air Canada, British Airways, Etihad Airways, Emirates, Fairmount Hotels 7 Resorts, Lufthansa, Mercedes-Benz, THAI and many more. Spafax is a tenthavenue WPP company.

For information:

In Québec:
Martine St-Victor
Milagro PR Atelier
[email protected]

In the Rest of Canada:
Kevin Pennant
Pennant Media Group
[email protected]