RNS Concert Productions brings Buena Vista Social Club’s Eliades Ochoa to spice up three Canadian cities

Canada’s RNS Concert Productions proudly presents Cuba’s Grammy Award winning Buena Vista Social Club in three intimate evenings with legendary guitarist and singer, Eliades Ochoa; one of the key members and contributors of the Buena Vista Social Club. With roots in “guajira” (Cuban country) fans will enjoy a authentically Cuban sound this is a combination of country, salsa and traditional rock.

Eliades Oracha will be shaking up the stage with his eight piece band when the tour kicks off in Montreal on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at L’Astral Music Hall. The following day Friday, April 27, 2012 he will be performing at Ottawa’s Museum of Civilization Grand Hall. Closing the Canadian tour dates will be a performance in Toronto at the Opera House on Saturday, April 28, 2012.

The cultural phenomenon, Eliades Ochoa, is a living testament to the universal popularity of Cuban “son” music. Although a younger member of the Buena Vista Social Club, he is backed by a nearly half century long music career and has become something of an elder statesman. Eliades Ochoa picked up his first instrument at the age of six and by his early teens was the leader of the legendary group Cuarteto Patria. His trademark cowboy hat and penchant for wearing black has dubbed him as ‘Cuba’s Johnny Cash’. Eliades Ochoa is considered one of the most important Cuban ‘soneros’ of all time and guardian of traditional Cuban music.

Recruited into Buena Vista Social Club, Elides Ochoa immediately became internationally recognizable for his recordings and films of his performance of the traditional Cuban song “Chan Chan” with the late Compay Segundo.

img-BuenaVistaThe original line up of the Buena Vista Social Club made only three concert appearances, two at Amsterdam’s ‘Carré Theatre’ and the final legendary show at New York’s ‘Carnegie Hall’. The latter was filmed by Wim Wenders as the climax of his successful documentary also named “Buena Vista Social Club”, and the concert recording was released 10 years later as Buena Vista Social Club ‘At Carnegie Hall’.

Having performed live for over five million fans, Elides Ochoa and his band have released several recordings, keeping the sounds of traditional Cuban music alive for generations of new fans worldwide. Eliades Ochoa’s latest album, AfroCubism was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best World Music Album in 2012.

The upcoming performances at the Museum of Civilization Grand Hall, L’Astral Music Hall and the Opera House will allow Eliades Ochoa’s fans a rare, intimate and interactive experience with the iconic performer and his legendary band.

Buena Vista Social Club is a registered trademark of World Circuit Limited.


Available for Interviews:
Riaz Keshavjee

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